Friends of the Washington Parish Library was founded in accordance with guidelines of the State Library of Louisiana and
Friends of Libraries USA. It is a volunteer non-profit organization devoted to building a better library system for
the citizens of our parish.
FWPL helps our library grow by -- sponsoring fundraising events for the parish library system -- sponsoring
projects to promote greater knowledge and use of library resources and programs -- promoting volunteer service
for the library -- working in cooperation with library staff and the Library Board of Control to build a
better library system for all citizens of Washington Parish

Next Meeting
Friends of the Washington Parish Library meet at 6:00 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month. The organization
meets alternately at the Bogalusa Branch Library and the Franklinton Branch Library with occasional announced meetings at
the Thomas Branch Library.

Winners announced for FWPL
National Library Week Poster Contest
Grades 1-3
1st—Seth Schilling—Ben’s Ford Christian School
(3rd grade)
2nd --Miriam O. Willis—Ben’s Ford Christian School
(3rd grade)
3rd --Katherine Haik—Bowling Green (3rd grade)
Honorable Mention—Adam Smith—Ben’s Ford Christian School
(3rd grade)
Grades 4-8
1st—Caleb Simmons—Ben’s Ford Christian School
(4th grade)
2nd --—Andrew Smith—Ben’s Ford Christian School
(4th grade)
3rd --Kassidy Brooke Thomas—Ben’s Ford Christian School
(7th grade)
Honorable Mentions—Winter Thibodeaux—Ben’s Ford Christian
School (8th grade)
Alex Lemly—Ben’s Ford Christian School (4th grade)
Lexie Hebert—Ben’s Ford Christian School (4th grade)
Grades 9-12
1st—Sarah Meigs—Ben’s Ford Christian School
(11th grade)
2nd --Cody Rayburn—Ben’s Ford Christian School (12th
3rd—Cody Chatellier—Ben’s Ford Christian School
(11th grade)

First FWPL Lecture Held in March
March saw the start of the FWPL Lectures with Rev. Donald L. Fuhrmann's presentation on the battle
of Rappahonock, Virginia, and the men from Washington Parish who served in the Civil War. FWPL co-sponsored
this lecture with Friends of the Pioneer Museum.
Rev. Fuhrmann spoke Thursday, March 26, at the Council on Aging Senior Citizens Center in
Bogalusa's Cassidy Park. Friends and guests enjoyed lunch at the center prior to the lecture.
Rev. Fuhrmann, who was born in Bogalusa in 1935, is the author of five selections featured in Washington
Parish Tales. The son of Ernest and Nell Williams Fuhrmann, he grew up in the Lakeview area. Many local
residents will remember Rev. Fuhrmann and his brother, Rodney Fuhrmann, from their Bogalusa High football days.
Rev. Fuhrmann attended Northeast Mississippi Junior College and Southeastern Louisiana College, where he completed
his B.A. in business administration. He is married to the former Sandra Rae Mizell, and they are the parents of
five children.
He served in the U.S. Army Security Agency both on the U.S. mainland and in Okinawa. After his 35-year career with
Southern Bell/South Central Bell/Bell South, he worked as an abstract contractor and oil landman and taught high school English.
In 2003 he became an ordained Southern Baptist minister.
Rev. Fuhrmann has done extensive research on the Civil War in connection with Washington Parish and has written a
book on his early years growing up in Bogalusa.

Washington Parish Tales - A Great Gift for Any Occasion!
FWPL Vice President Sylvia Johnson is still busy taking orders and distributing Washington Parish Tales, the
anthology of stories about the parish published by Friends of the Washington Parish Library.
Sylvia reports that 100 more books arrived in February. They are available for purchase at the Bogalusa
Branch Library, the Franklinton Branch, and at Leader Printing, 1044 Main Street in Franklinton. These beautifully
hardbound, oversized gift books printed on quality slick pages are only $45 each. They make great gifts for birthdays
and anniversaries and are perfect for Mother's Day and Father's Day. Get yours now while they're still in stock!
For more information about Washington Parish Tales, please click here.

Click here to contact our organization.