Parking around the center is limited, but if you enter the park at the drive just west of the
center (where the big Cassidy Park sign is) there is lots of parking with a sidewalk that leads right into the room where
Don Fuhrmann will lecture.
Coming Events
March 16 - Deadline
for posters for National Library Week to be turned in at libraries.
March 25 - Decorate
tables at Senior Citizens Center in Bogalusa after lunch.
March 26, 1:00 p.m. - Lecture by Don Fuhrmann at Senior Citizens Center, 603 Willis Avenue in Bogalusa's Cassidy
Park. This lecture is FREE TO ALL. FWPL is co-sponsoring this event with Friends of the Pioneer Museum.
The museum will be open after with refreshments served there.
Lunch will be free to senior citizens at
12:00. Others may eat for $3. Pay at the door.
All must make reservations by March
21 for lunch. For reservations call FWPL Vice President Sylvia
Johnson at 601-876-5602 or 601-303-0113 or FWPL President Marianne
Smith at 985-732-8469.
National Library Week April 12-18
Decorate library last week of March or first week of April. Exact day
and time will be announced later. Please check back.
April 14, treat library staff to lunch at the Bogalusa Country Club. All Friends are invited to attend. Please
check back here for further information later.
Saturday, April 18, a possible reception for authors of Washington Parish
Tales. Please check back.
FWPL Donates $2500 for Children's Computer
At the February meeting of Friends, members voted to contribute approximately $2500
to the Washington Parish Library System to cover the cost of a computer for children which the library had purchased. This
was later presented to Library Director Joe Sbisa.
Tell your friends about our site!
Our FWPL site has had over 420 hits in February. Please be sure to tell your friends
about our site, so they can keep up with our news and join in the fun activities we will be having to support the Washington
Parish Library System this year.
Reserve your seat now for the first FWPL Lecture on March
March will see the start of the FWPL Lectures with Rev. Donald L. Fuhrmann's
presentation on the battle of Rappahonock, Virginia, and the men from Washington Parish who served in the
Civil War.
Rev. Fuhrmann will speak at 1:00 p.m., Thursday, March 26, at
the Council on Aging Senior Citizens Center, 603 Willis Avenue in Bogalusa's Cassidy Park. Those who
would like to come for lunch at 12:00 noon must make reservations by March 21. To make reservations, please contact
FWPL Vice President Sylvia Johnson at 601-303-0113 or FWPL President Marianne Smith at 985-732-8469. The lunch will be free
for seniors, but others must pay $3 at the door. The lecture is free to all.
Be sure to attend this interesting presentation. Rev. Fuhrmann gives
an intriguing account of how the soldiers from Washington Parish fought at Rappahonock.
Rev. Fuhrmann, who was born in Bogalusa in 1935, is the author of five
selections featured in Washington Parish Tales. The son of Ernest and Nell Williams Fuhrmann, he grew
up in the Lakeview area. Many local residents will remember Rev. Fuhrmann and his brother, Rodney Fuhrmann, from
their Bogalusa High football days.
Rev. Fuhrmann attended Northeast Mississippi Junior College and Southeastern
Louisiana College, where he completed his B.A. in business administration. He is married to the former Sandra Rae Mizell,
and they are the parents of five children.
He served in the U.S. Army Security Agency both on the U.S. mainland and in Okinawa.
After his 35-year career with Southern Bell/South Central Bell/Bell South, he worked as an abstract contractor and oil landman
and taught high school English. In 2003 he became an ordained Southern Baptist minister.
Rev. Fuhrmann has done extensive research on the Civil War in connection with
Washington Parish and has written a book on his early years growing up in Bogalusa.
More Copies of Washington Parish Tales on Their Way
FWPL Vice President Sylvia Johnson is still busy taking orders and distributing Washington Parish Tales, the
anthology of stories about the parish published by Friends of the Washington Parish Library.
Sylvia reports that 100 more books have been ordered. They were shipped from the printer in California
on February 12 and should arrive at the library in Franklinton by February 18. They will be available for
purchase at the Bogalusa Branch Library, the Franklinton Branch, and at Leader Printing, 1044 Main Street
in Franklinton.
Plans for National Library Week Are Under Way
FWPL is busy making plans for National Library Week, which will be April
12-18, 2009. Please check out our home page on this site for details of the poster contest for students. Posters
will be displayed in the library branches during National Library Week. Questions about the contest may be directed
to FWPL President Marianne Smith at 732-8469 or FWPL Secretary Anne Tate at 732-3600.
FWPL Vice President Sylvia Johnson reports that a luncheon during the week and
a reception for authors featured in Washington Parish Tales also may be scheduled as part of the celebration.
Please check back here for further details.
FWPL Meeting Held January 22 in Bogalusa
Friends of the Washington Parish Library held their January meeting at the Bogalusa
Branch Library January 22.
The upcoming membership drive was discussed briefly. Several members have
volunteered to assist with the drive, and plans for this year's approach to the drive are still underway. If you have
any good suggestions for the drive and publicity efforts for the organization, please get them in to President Marianne Smith
or Vice President Sylvia Johnson. The people of our parish have shown great support for FWPL and our library system
since the start of FWPL only a few short years ago. We expect continuing support to come in from all over the parish,
so we want to have a great membership drive to let folks know how they have helped our library and what needs to be done in
the future. Your comments are needed and welcomed!
After much discussion of the Bogue Chitto Pearl Wild Game Cook-Off, it regrettably
was decided not to go ahead with it this year for lack of time to organize adequately. It is unfortunate that the
organization can not proceed with the cook-off, but we can direct the efforts we have been putting into it toward other
worthy but perhaps smaller projects as we decide on them. Many thanks and much appreciation again goes out to all
the wonderful Friends and other volunteers who have made the cook-off so successful in the past two years. Their efforts
were a tremendous boost to FWPL and to our parish library system, both in raising funds and in raising awareness of needs
and resources of our library.
We are hoping to have some activities for Library Appreciation Month. Please
check back on this page for upcoming news about this.
Thanks to all Friends who came out for our January meeting! Your support
of the Washington Parish Library System is much appreciated!
New Year Starting for FWPL
FWPL enjoyed a very successful year in 2008, including projects like the Annual Bogue Chitto Pearl Wild Game Cook-Off and
Barbecue in Bogalusa's Cassidy Park and the completion and sales of the book, Washington Parish Tales. We expect
much success in 2009 also.
At the January 22 meeting at the Bogalusa Branch, we begin the year with our newly elected officers: President Marianne
Smith, Vice President Sylvia Johnson, Treasurer Judy Rabuffo, and Secretary Anne Tate. Our directors for the year are
Lorraine Bourn, George Domas, and Jack Harry.
Two very important discussions at this meeting will focus on the Wild Game Cook-Off and the upcoming poetry contest.
Your input is needed, so come out and give your ideas.
Please attend the meeting, volunteer when you can, and enjoy this year's events and projects.
Book Sales Are Great!
Sales of Washington Parish Tales are going great. 350 have been
sold, so others probably will be ordered from the printer soon. Thanks to Vice President Sylvia Johnson for the tremendous
job she has done overseeing the sales and distribution of the books. With the books weighing what they weigh, some of
this work has been far from easy. Many, many thanks, Sylvia!
Also, thanks to library staff, particularly Franklinton Branch Manager Bobbie
Jones, Bogalusa Branch Manager Emmett Guy, and Winola Holiday and Phil Lupo of the Bogalusa Branch for their great help with
Thanks to treasurer Judy Rabuffo for the extra work she is putting in to help
keep track of the financial end of the project, also to outgoing president, Jean Wales, and our current president, Marianne
Library staff members have reported many complimentary remarks about the book
from patrons, so we know there are some people out there who are pleased with this FWPL project. Many thanks to all
members who have helped!